MHS Sports Trivia Question

a weekly feature by Al Rabenold.

THE ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S SPORTS TRIVIA QUESTION:   The fun-loving, high-spirited Monica Miller Carl set the school record in the 3,000-meter run in 2009 with a time of 11:15!

Monica’s husband, Kevin Carl, is this week’s winner.  We also heard from Marie & Elise Boulton with the correct answer of Monica. Other contestants were Eric Meyer with his guess of Lacey Schmidt and Marty James & Tracey Tarvin Mostaert with their guess of Cathy Hansen.  All pretty talented runners.

THIS WEEK SPRING SPORTS TRIVIA QUESTION:  MHS added a fifth boys sport, golf, just in time for the spring season of 1966.  Can you name Braves first golf coach and the top five golfers that initial season?  Clue:  Two were sophomores, two were freshmen, and one just an 8th grader.  Contact me with your answer via social media with the winner(s) earning a shout out!