FFA was domineering at state!

April 22, 2021 admin 0

AMES – The Montezuma FFA chapter had another outstanding state convention, winning numerous team and individual championships. Here are the results:  

Weather hits golf, Lundy Relays

April 19, 2021 admin 0

The snow and cold have impacted Montezuma’s early-week sports schedules. A golf meet against Belle Plaine slated for Monday afternoon, April 19, has been postponed. […]

Looking Back Fifty Years

April 15, 2021 admin 0

By Al Rabenold Where were you the week of April 15, 1971? (#157) Montezuma AFS chapter elects Doris Bowers as president as they make plans […]

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MHS Sports Trivia Question

April 15, 2021 admin 0

… a weekly feature by Al Rabenold. THE ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S SPORTS TRIVIA QUESTION:   The fun-loving, high-spirited Monica Miller Carl set the school record […]