8th boys ‘A’ team gets a win at E-V

NORTH ENGLISH – The Montezuma junior high boys ‘A’ basketball team hasn’t had chances to practice lately, but the Braves took down English Valley, 51-37, Thursday afternoon, Jan. 23.

This was our fourth game without having a practice, but our boys did a great job learning from previous games and improving,” Coach John Beck said. “Our execution was the best all year.”

Garrett Watts scored 17 points and Houston Van Roekel had 15 – on five three-pointers.

Jack Erselius and Max Anderson each scored six. Kohen Holland had four and Tod Geiger scored 3. Erselius made a pair of treys and Anderson sank one.

We attacked downhill and made the correct reads,” Beck said. “That led to some easy shot opportunities.”

We made six treys in the first half,” Beck said. “E-V’s defense was trying to sink in and challenged us to take those shots. We attacked first and did a great job of hitting our outside shooters in rhythm.”

In the second half, E-V played the three-point line a bit more. Garrett Watts attacked the rim and made the right reads. Tod Geiger stayed ‘big’ inside, finding open spots in the defense and getting their players in foul trouble.”

Jack Erselius hit two treys and after they adjusted he drove and created opportunities for his teammates,” Beck said. “Houston Van Roekel was ready outside for kick-outs from the guys driving. Houston shot the ball really well, at one point making three straight three-pointers,” said the coach.

Kohen Holland ran in transition and got some great looks at the basket,” Beck said. “Max Anderson attacked well with the drive and made great decisions after the defense broke down.”

On defense, the Braves posted two single-digit quarters. “We forced them into some bad looks,” Beck said. “Tod Geiger, Cruz DeJong and Peyton Minner did a great job cleaning up the boards and making them work inside.”

Beck said “Carter Michalek and Garrett Watts were very active up top.”

The Braves were down 12-10 after one quarter, but up 24-18 after two and 36-27 through three periods.