8th graders left gym ‘feeling better’

Montezuma’s eighth grade volleyball won again, taking three sets against Keota on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at home.

The seventh graders went 1-2 on the evening.

Both teams know that we need to control our mistakes and make sure we do not allow other teams to go on long serving runs,” said Coach Megan Carlson.

I enjoy working with all of these kids and I am going to enjoy these last few practices and games.”

8th grade – 25-21, 25-11, 26-24

The eighth graders had a bitter taste after the Keota match last year, so they wanted to make sure to leave the gym feeling much better,” Carlson said.

The girls jumped out quickly and spurted a little bit in the first set, but were able to gain control and take the first two sets,” she said.

In the third, “the girls were down 19-24 and had the serve before walking away with a 26-24 win.”

This was a huge step forward for this group, not only because they walked away with three wins, but because they overcame several obstacles to play together and show control in the games,” said Carlson.

At this point, the 8th graders understand what it takes to be successful and I know they are willing and able to do what is necessary for their
teammates,” she said.

A huddle before heading out to the court. (Submitted).

7th grade – 25-12, 18-25, 15-25

The seventh graders jumped out with strong serving performances in the first set that allowed them to cruise,” Carlson said.

However, Keota starting serving better and the Bravettes had a had time responding in the next two sets,” she said.

Regardless of this outcome, I know that these girls have grown so much and I am proud of the work they put in,” Carlson said. “I know they will be able to put it all together for great things to happen.”