A new sports trivia question for you

MONTEZUMA HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS TRIVIA … a new weekly feature by Al Rabenold.

LAST WEEK’S ANSWER & WINNER: Congratulations to LeAnn James who answered last week’s trivia question correctly.

Paden Maschmann, MHS ’16, holds the Braves 5K record for the home course at the Montezuma Country Club with a time of 18:43. Former Monte coach Keith Little guessed Lance Elliott, MHS ’89, who holds the school record for the overall 5K record of 15:43 set in the fall of 1988.

THIS WEEK’S TRIVIA QUESTION: Can you name the Braves running back who averaged nearly a 1st down every time he touched the ball his senior year?  Due to the high volume of calls coming into The Record, please send your answer to me via Facebook/Messenger.