AEA official will be next superintendent

Rich Schulte, director of district services for the Great Prairie Area Education Agency, Burlington, has been named the next superintendent of schools for Montezuma.

The Montezuma School Board announced its selection of Schulte on Friday, April 8.

The new superintendent officially begins serving Montezuma on July 1. Until then, he will transition with current superintendent Nathan Woods as often as possible, according to a news release from the board.

Rich Schulte, Montezuma’s next superintendent of schools.

At Great Prairie, Schulte supervises a regional director team across the agency and coordinates a monthly curriculum network. The agency also has offices in Ottumwa and Fairfield.

Schulte collaborates regularly with directors across the statewide AEA system to lead instructional services, as well serving districts within Great Prairie AEA.

Previously, Schulte was an elementary principal and special education coordinator in the Pella Community School District.

In Pella, he was responsible for overseeing and evaluating faculty and support staff, as well as coordinating district efforts related to special education, Title 1, and English language learner service.

Prior to Pella, Schulte was an elementary principal in the Knoxville Community School Distr

Schulte earned a master’s degree in educational leadership from Drake University and bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Central College.

Schulte played minor league baseball prior to starting his educational career. He has also coached baseball, basketball, football, golf and volleyball.

The Montezuma School Board has worked with Grundmeyer Leader Services of Huxley, Iowa, to conduct the superintendent search.

The process has included (see separate story) a community-wide survey that asked district residents to provide their input on the qualities and characteristics they would like to see in the district’s next leader.

The board and a mixed interview team consisting of teachers, support staff, students, parents and community members, conducted interviews with three finalists for the position on April 6.