Ally Fillmore: An artist at work

Editor’s note: Allyson Fillmore, our photographer in recent years, has accepted a teaching job in a district that’s too far away for her to commute back to Montezuma to shoot photos. We don’t know yet when she’s leaving, because things are uncertain for schools now because of COVID-19. But we thought we’d better be ready for a summer departure by talking with some of those she has worked with. Today, it’s Megan Carlson.  – Keith Brake

By Megan Carlson
Girls Track Coach

The saying is that a photograph is worth a thousand words. Well, thanks to Ally Fillmore, we have memories worth millions of words.

We all know the amazing things that Ally Fillmore puts together through her camera, but the truly remarkable part is the person behind the lens.

During the past few years, I have had the pleasure of having Ally work with the track girls and watching her develop as a teacher, coach, and person.

Ally can be somewhat of a shy girl at first, but she sees the boldness, beauty, and has the skills to put everything together to create touching and memorable pieces of art.

She is passionate, selfless, and always working to see what she can do to help.

Ally asks questions, wants to learn more, and cares deeply for the girls on the team.

She wants them to do better and encourages them with notes, PR rocks, and lego pieces. All little things that don’t seem like much, but give so much to the girls and team, which I am so thankful for.

We have been blessed to have her in our lives, but I am so proud to see her continue to spread her wings and grow.

She has the potential to be successful in whatever she chooses. Ally has a strong passion for her different skills, whether it is taking pictures, designing pottery, or running repeats with the girls.

Even though this is a sad goodbye, I know it is more of a “see you later” and I can’t wait to see what she does in this next phase of her life! She is ready to do so much and I am so proud of her!

Ally knows she will always have a place for her in Montezuma, but this is the time and chance for her to do more and show others just how amazing she is.

Good Luck Ally!

Ally Fillmore, with a friend.