Amidst darkness, lights still shine

March 23

More local acts of kindness amidst the COVID-19 crisis have been brought to our attention:


Montezuma City Council member River Webb on Monday posted an offer on his Facebook page to shop for people:

Hello Facebook Friends! If you are elderly, have kids at home or just don’t feel like going out during this time, I am willing to do a shop-and-drop for you.”

I will get your groceries, prescriptions or anything else you may need and leave them at your door step! Just send me a message!”

We will get through this.”

So, if you’re friends with River on Facebook, send him a message.

Lunch debts settled

Montezuma students who have negative accounts in their lunch accounts no longer do!


Building Secretary Becky Bryan said a generous donation was received by Montezuma schools for the purpose of paying in full “all of our student negative balance lunch accounts.”

She sent a post out to be read by students and parents who use the lunch program.

It may seem we are in dark times as a nation, but we do see the kindness of others on a daily basis,” she added.

If it bothers you to have had your negative balance paid, then all we ask is that you “pay it forward’ in some other way to someone else,” Bryan said.

Thanks for the masks!

Montezuma Mayor Jacki Bolen sent out a public thank-you to DeJong Manufacturing.

They donated safety glasses to Montezuma Fire and Rescue,” she wrote.
