Birthday Flashback

In our 7th week of our 12-week series of birthday pictures from days gone by we salute Ann Byers’ birthday (May of 1951) with this article from the Montezuma Republican newspaper and shared to us by local historian Pat (Breniman) Rowell, MHS ’61.

Mrs. C. R. Byers entertained several young folks Tuesday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 in honor of the 5th birthday anniversary of her daughter, Ann.

Games were played and Ann opened her gifts. Mrs. Byers served lunch to the children, consisting of sandwiches, potato chips, ice cream, cake and Kool-Aid.

Front row: Alice Cummings, Barbara Hill, Susan VanDuyn, Mary Beth Fleming, Shirley Byers. Back row, left to right: Ronnie Hart, Rita McKinley, Mike Thurber, Stevie Freeborn, Marilyn McFarlin, Ann Byers, Judy Kay Kirstein & Dale Crider. Also present but not in the picture were Sally Lofgreen, Stevie Rabenold and Jimmy Swink.