Happy Birthday to Lana Sharer!
A seventh birthday anniversary is a very important event in any young lady’s life, so Lana Sharer entertained classmates and friends at hergrandparents’ home, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright.
The party was held on her birthday, Friday, March 10, after school from 3:30 until five o’clock. Ice cream, cake, mints, colored Easter eggs and orange juice were served as refreshments. They were quickly consumed by the guests after several games and the opening of gifts by the hostess.
Back row: Ann Bowers, Jean Blain, Wilma Sharer, Jean Pribble, Darlene Griffin, Janet Johnston and Nancy Johnson.
Front Row: Linda Roorda, Joyce Byers, Lana Sharer, Joyce Truman and Jo Jordan.
Also present besides Lana’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and her mother, Helen Sharer was Helen Hamilton and Mrs. Art Happy.