Birthday Flashback Sept. 17

Mrs. Harold Busby entertained the second grade and a few neighbor children Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Jane Busby’s 8th birthday.

The afternoon was spent playing games. Refreshments of angel food cake, ice cream and cocoa were served. Jane received many nice gifts. Those assisting Mrs. Busby were Mrs. Harry Potter and Mrs. Donald Busby.

Left to right, back row: Barbara Lester, Jane Busby, Judy Jordan, Lynne Brownell, Lois Wiley, Bette Bunnell, Jimmy Arendt, Ronnie Hedrick and Ralph Lester.

Middle row: Charles Rowell, Jerry Cowan, Larry Richman, Sharon Roorda, Jerry Kirstein, Jo Jordan, Lucille Yeo, Ruth Graham and Marilyn Pugh.

Front row:
Bobbie Tarvin, Dennis VanTomme, Ceatta Pitka, Hal Lofgreen, Joe Hutchinson, Leon Rowell, Larry Bryan and Jimmy Schreiner.

Seated in front is Jimmy Potter.