Birthday Flashbacks

Saturday afternoon twenty-five classmates and friends, happy-go-lucky and full of pep, helped Bobby Tarvin celebrate his ninth birthday anniversary which occurred on the following Tuesday, February 20, 1951.

The youngsters were entertained at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tarvin, with his brother, Billy, in charge of the afternoon’s entertainment.

Bobby received many gifts and refreshments were served. The event was carried out at an earlier date for the convenience of many country children.

Incidentally, this is the first time Bobby has ever observed his birthday with a party.

Back row, L. to R.: Donald Malcom, Gary McKinley, Ralph Lester, Jerry Tarvin, Billy Tarvin, Wilma Brau, Terry Audas, Bette Bunnell, Jane Busby, Lynne Brownell, Joe Hutchinson, Johnny Jordan, Hal Lofgreen and David Johnson.

Third row: Lois Wiley, Barbara Lester, Sharon Roorda, Ceatta Pitka, Linda Whisenand, Charles Rowell, Larry Richman, Jerry Kirstein.

Front row: Jon Swanson, Jimmy Arendt, Bobby Tarvin and Dennis VanTomme.

I hope our readers notice that the pictures are much brighter now, thanks to Roger Allen! And a thank you to Pat Rowell who has identified all the children pictured!