Boys roll to win, girls score well

Play on the green. (Caprice De Jong photo).

By Liesl Roorda
MHS co-head coach

NORTH ENGLISH – Tuesday afternoon’s (April 12) golf meet at Knoll Ridge brought the boys golfers another team victory with a 170 team score over English Valley’s 215. 

Belle Plaine did not have enough boys for a team score. 

Eddie Burgess, Cruz De Jong and English Valley’s Eli Marsh all scored an individual 41 and Eli won the card back for medalist honors with Eddie coming in as runner-up medalist. 

Maguire De Jong was missing for this meet due to his competing at State FFA. 

Owen Cook tees off over a lake. (Caprice De Jong photo).

The other members really picked up the pace in his absence and we saw some great improvements with scores in the numbers 4, 5, and 6 positions.  

Montezuma Boys

Eddie Burgess: 41
Cruz De Jong 41
Carsten James 43
Jack Erselius 45
Tod Geiger 45
Owen Cook 46

The girls competed individually and came out on top with both meet medalist and runner-up medalist being won by the Hutchcraft sisters with the following scores:

Montezuma Girls

Chloe Hutchcraft: 57
Aislyn Hutchcraft:  61
Maddy Fleming:  66

COMING UP – Montezuma golfers compete again this Thursday in Sigourney and look forward to having all members back and full rosters.  We are anxious to continue to see the improvements and how they are supporting and challenging each other.