Brand’s Ford Model A dates to 1930

By Al Rabenold

Ninety years ago, Jasper County natives, Roy Terlouw and his sister Kate, purchased a brand new 1930 Ford Model A in order to make feed deliveries in the Kellogg and Lynnville area.

Thirty years and 20,000 miles later they upgraded to a new Ford Ranger pick-up (in 1960).

Roy Terlouw then sold his car to Sully native Darrell Brand, passing along instructions of how to start it. “Spark it up and choke it just a little bit,” said Terlouw.

Six decades later, Brand still repeats Terlouw’s chant every time he starts his classic car. The vehicle has been featured in several parades as well as wedding and anniversary celebrations with the bride and groom snuggled in the front (and the only) seat with a smiling Mr. Brand behind the wheel.

The 1930 Ford Model A has the same tires it had in 1960, including the spare mounted on the back. In the last 60 years they’ve had just one flat tire.

Still sporting the original black paint with only the fenders needing a little touch up, the odometer reads under 25,000 miles.

When time for a tune-up, Darrell dropped his Model A off at the local car dealer, Vannoy Chevrolet in Montezuma, but had forgotten to tell them how to start it.

By the time he returned home there was a phone call from one of the mechanics asking, “how do you start this darn thing?” And Coach Brand replied, “Why just spark it up and choke it just a little bit,” — just like Roy Terlouw did six decades ago.

The late John and Doris Rabenold are shown riding with Darrell Brand on their 60th wedding anniversary. (Submitted).