Braves golfers sweep past Tigers in dual meet

By Coach Liesl Roorda

MARENGO – The Braves came out on top of Iowa Valley 158 to 199 Monday night, April 24, at Iowa Valley on a calm, fair weather night.

The Braves continue to work to refine their game and continue improving. The course offers a few challenges with trees and a sometimes pesky creek that runs down the center.

The Braves and Bravettes worked hard to steer clear of these challenges and try some different irons to keep safe while also pushing to the green.

That’s a big tree a Braves golfer is hitting in front at Marengo Country Club!

Max Anderson was meet medalist with a 38 and Cruz DeJong was medalist runner-up with a 39. Owen Cook also scored a 39 but was carded out for the place. 

Also scoring was Maguire DeJ ong,43 Jack Erselius 42, and Carsten James 46.

On the girls side Maddy Fleming was runner-up medalist with a 55 and Abby Pope shot a 59.

The Braves JV golfers were also able to participate and continue to get more experience also. Scores were Tod Geiger 45, Brady Boulton 43 and Alex Black 60.

Alex Black drives at Iowa Valley. (Mia Boulton photo).

Editor’s note: Max Anderson shot a 37, not a 47, recently in a match in Brooklyn. Editor Keith Brake, who made the error, didn’t discover it in time to get it corrected in The Record. I regret the error.