Bravettes were indeed ready vs. GMG

The Bravettes had to wait a bit to open their volleyball season.

But, it was worth it, as the rolled past Green Mountain-Garwin 3-0 at home on Tuesday evening, Sept. 1.

Game scores were 25-14, 25-17 and 25-18.

Montezuma’s junior varsity team lost 2-1 to GMG, dropped a tough 15-13 third game to the Wolves.

Montezuma’s frosh-soph team split its match against GMG.

Did the varsity Bravettes play as well as a glance at the stats below indicates?

Definitely!” said Coach Katie Dunlap. “We even re-watched the game and re-did our stats together,” she said.

The girls played so well. Our hitting averages have gotten a lot better,” Dunlap said.

I am very proud of the way the girls played as a team and made smart decisions with the ball.”

Stats leaders vs. GMG

Kills – Ash Krousie 10, Shanae Wetering 9, Dylan Holland 9, Katie Reynolds 4.

Assists – Reynolds 24.

Blocks – Holland 2, Krousie 2.

Digs – Krousie 12, Korinn Kehoe 7, Wetering 7, Reynolds 6, Allyson Larmore 6, Kallie Robison 6.

Serves – Reynolds 15-16 with 4 aces; Robison 14-15 with 4 aces, Wetering 9-12 with 2 aces; Holland 809 with 2 aces; Krousie 6-8 with one ace.

We . .are. . .ready. . .play!” Montezuma Coach Katie Dunlap told KGRN’s Chris Varney a few days before the season-opene against Green Mountain Garwin.

She put some space between her words to add emphasis.

The Bravettes had to wait for this season to begin, after a heat wave canceled their season-opening tournament at Albia.

Our team chemistry is exponentially better than last year,” the coach said, quickly adding that it was good then, too.

Our keys will be our communication, camaraderie . . and our hitters,” Dunlap said.

Our juniors are looking good and the seniors are providing leadership,” she said.

Junior outside hitter Ash Krousie could have a banner season, after leading the team in hitting a year ago.

‘A strong player,” Dunlap said.

Krousie also is a defensive wizard, can get direction on her digs and can put motion on her serves. She’s 5-7, comparatively short when lined up with some other Bravettes, but she can get off the floor and remain strong in the air, which is a great trait for a volleyball player.

All of our girls have grown so much as players,” Dunlap said.

Shanae Wetering is so much better, especially as a passer,” the coach said about the 5-10 junior.

Dylan Holland (5-11) is a middle hitter, “and she is strong,” the coach said.

The coach said Kierstyn Price is looking good as a defensive specialist and possibly will be Montezuma’s libero.

Lauren Klos is as tall as Dylan (Holland); we call them our twin towers,” Dunlap said.

Korinn Kehoe, also in the 5-11 range, is a middle blocker. “You can tell she has put in a lot of time,” Dunlap said. “She and Dylan are very coachable and Korinn and Shanae are powerhouses from any position.”

Dunlap said communication from Allyson Larmore “keeps us together.”

Katie Reynolds is ready to take over at setter from the graduated Waverly Roorda.

You can tell she and Waverly have worked together. And Katie has really toughened up. She has a next play mentality,” Dunlap said.

The rest of the Bravettes already are proving to be an integral part of the mix.

We are looking and feeling good!” Dunlap said.

UP NEXT – The Bravettes host South Tama on Tuesday, Sept. 8.