Carls donate land for future Legion site

By Roger Allen

The Montezuma American Legion’s goal of building a new post headquarters took a big step forward Thursday, June 10, when Scott, Kevin and Kerri Carl ceremoniously announced their donation of two acres of farmland to become a Legion building site.

The ceremony was held at the two-acre site. It is on the north side of East Jefferson Street, immediately east of Mid-American Energy’s building.

Kerri Carl spoke on behalf of the donors to an audience of Legion and Auxiliary members. She said, “The grandchildren of Cloyd M. Carl: Scott, Kevin and Kerri Carl, would like to donate two acres of the original Henry F. Carl Farm to the Montezuma American Legion. We grandchildren are donating these two acres on behalf of our Grandfather Cloyd M. Carl, who was a Montezuma American Legion and VFW member for many years.

Our hopes are that this will help the Montezuma American Legion build a new home and the Montezuma American Legion will be around for many more years to come. This is our way of saying ‘Thank You’ to those who have served this great country of the United States of America in the past, present and future. Thank you for your service.”

STAKES AND FLAGS mark the corners of the two acres of farmland in northeast Montezuma being donated to the Montezuma American Legion by the three grandchildren of the late Cloyd and Frances Carl. The location is on East Jefferson Street. In this east-to-west view, the stake in right foreground marks the east property line. At far left in the distance is a stake marking the west property line. In the background is a “next door” Mid-American Energy building.

Kerri then symbolically presented a deed to the property to Legion Commander Ron Hensel, who responded on behalf of Legion Post 169. In his prepared remarks Hensel said: “The Montezuma American Legion and Auxiliary cannot begin to thank Kerri, Kevin and Scott Carl for their generosity in providing this two acres for a building site for our proposed new Legion post.”

Cloyd having been a veteran and wife Frances a longtime member of the American Legion, along with her daughter and granddaughters also being members, makes this very special.

Once we have a building erected on this beautiful setting the American Legion and Auxiliary of Post 169 will honor Cloyd and Frances with recognition in memory of them.”

Hensel concluded, “Once again, we Legionnaires and members of the Auxiliary say thank you, Carl kids, for this wonderful and heartfelt way of honoring your grandparents! Their legacy will live on in recognition of the gift of this ground for its future building.”

Commander Hensel said the Legion will be conducting fundraising and will be applying for grants and seeking donations as building plans proceed. Hensel added, “It is hoped the Montezuma community will also benefit from the new building.” The Legion’s current headquarters are at the rear of Montezuma Memorial Hall.