Coach lauds 8th boys ‘B’ team’s effort

Coach John Beck praised the effort of his junior high boys ‘B’ team, despite a 42-20 loss to Lynnville-Sully at home on Monday, Jan. 18.

I was very proud of our effort,” the coach said. “When you get down, sometimes it is easy to just start going through the motions. This was not the case with these young men. They competed and hustled throughout the game.”

Beck said the Braves struggle d to control the ball, “especially early on. However, as the game progressed, we started to find our groove.”

Broox Stockman scored eight points and grabbed seven rebounds for the Braves. Spencer Ross scored six points.

Defensively, we had to pack the middle and try to take away their very talented post player. This led to them getting sme good looks on kick-outs,” Beck said.

I would like to see us communicate a bit more and improve our help-side defense.”

There are some things to work on, but I know the kids will come ready to go next practice to learn and grow,” the coach added.