Colfax shuts down girls team; boys only Tuesday

I am NOT a happy camper!

The Montezuma basketball doubleheader scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 6, will be held, but it will be a boys-only event, with JV boys filling the 6 p.m. starting slot.

Reason: Colfax-Mingo dropped its high school girls program last month after just four girls came out for the sport.

Colfax-Mingo has 25 girls in its junior high program and is hopeful of having a varsity team next season.

Colfax-Mingo sought to find a playing home for its four girls, but neighboring schools said ‘no’ because they didn’t want to be bumped up a class for post-season play.

One Class 5A school, which couldn’t be bumped up no matter what, also said ‘no.’