Community Fund awards $14,929

Board members of the Montezuma Community Fund allocated almost $15,000 to various programs in the community in late March.

It was noted that $14,929.47 was brought in from a total of 97 donors. There had been 1,415 letters to potential donors mailed out.

It was noted that numbers are decreasing each year, yet there is a need to fund many worthwhile activities and organizations in our community that need the help.

The fall campaign will begin in November.

Gordon Alexander heads up this group, which met over mail, email and telephone because of the coronavirus outbreak.

These distributions are being mailed out:

American Heart Association – $494.
American Red Cross – $277.
Arthritis Foundation, Iowa Chapter – $131.
Cancer Research, University of Iowa, $536.
Children & Families of Iowa – $210.
C.P.R. Of Montezuma – $500.
Easter Seals – $100.
Grinnell Regional Medical Center – $750.
Kidney Research – $100.
Mid-Iowa Community Action – $250.
Montezuma Animal Relief Fund – $232.
Montezuma Community Food Bank – $1,500.
Montezuma Dollars for Scholars – $500.
Montezuma Public Library – $1,000.
Montezuma Family Program – $200.
Poweshiek Co. Assoc. Retarded Citizens – $300.
Poweshiek County Council on Aging – $300.
Poweshiek Co. Historical and Genealogical Society – $723.
Poweshiek Co. Pioneer Cemetery Assoc., – $500.
4-H & Outreach programs – $500.
Salvation Army – $600.
United Services Organization – $367.
Monte Diamond Lake Stagecoach Trails – $500.
Monte Back Pack Program/NE Iowa Food Bank – $626.
Clothes Closet – $500.
Camp Courageous of Iowa – $100.
Montezuma Ministerial Association – $2,000.
Montezuma Community Development – $200.
Bonham Trail – $100.

The last three items were not budgeted, but were awarded money from the undesignated money fund.

Story sources: Becky Sinkler and The Record.