COVID-era ball will have extra rules

Monday, June 1, is the first day Iowa high school baseball and softball teams will be able to practice.

Monday, June 15, is the first day they’ll be able to play games.

We know that much. We also know that  the junior high baseball and softball teams will not be playing, too.

Many of the details are expected to be handed down from the boys and girls unions this week. Officials are expected to meet early in the week, and issue memorandums.

Here are some things we do know:

The state softball tournament has been moved back to July 20-24 in Fort Dodge. The baseball tourney will be July 24-Aug. 1 in Des Moines. These new dates would provide for additional regular season games.

Dugouts can’t be used until June 15, when games start. Until then, at practice, players must line up their equipment and water along fences.

Players and coaches should check their temperatures before attending practices and games.

Signage is to be posted indicating no one should attend or participate in practice or games if they currently have symptoms or have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19-diagnosed person in the last 14 days.

Players must bring their own water/beverage to consume during and after practice and games.

Fans may attend games, but concession stands will not be allowed to operate.

If fans can bring their own chairs and sit outside the fences, it would be preferable to being in the bleachers. Montezuma fans are pretty good about sitting that way anyway at softball games.

Social distancing is to be maintained.

OK, kids, go out there and have fun . . .whether you like it or not!

Sorry! Just thinking out loud. Some ball is better than none.

After the coaches know more, they’ll tell us and we’ll let you know just how much fun we’ll be allowed to have.