CROP walk group

CROP walk group

 READY TO WALK for CROP (Christian Rural Overseas Program) Sunday afternoon, Oct. 1 are these ecumenical participants pictured at the starting point, the Montezuma Methodist Church. They are, from left: Phyllis Freeborn, Susan Hutchinson, Carrie Stockman, Nancy Allen, Broox Stockman, Dennis Latcham, Al Rabenold, Becky Sinkler, Denise Rabenold, Vera Latcham, Jeannette Wengert and Robin Cushman. On a very warm afternoon a majority of this group carried signs and walked from the church to Bonham Trail and back. Donations are still being accepted but to date about $800 has been raised through pledges and donations. To donate, contact Becky Sinkler, chairman, Nancy Allen, treasurer, or your local church office, by Oct. 15.
(Photos by Roger Allen)