Crop Walk nears $1,000 to fight hunger

GABBY CUSHMAN, at right, carries a “We Walk Because They Walk” sign. She and Vera Latcham were among 15 participants in the Oct. 2 CROP Walk on a beautiful afternoon at Diamond Lake. (Roger Allen photos).

By Roger Allen

The Outreach and Missions Committee of the United Methodist Church sponsored a community Crop Walk on Sunday, Oct. 2, to raise funds for Church World Service to reduce hunger, locally and worldwide. The theme is “Ending hunger, one step at a time.”

Pledges and donations have resulted in $944 being raised so far, with additional donations being accepted until Oct. 15.

Those who walked or rocked on Sunday and their sponsors contributed $769. Added to that was $175 raised by a Children’s Walk as part of a September Sunday worship service at the Methodist church.

Twenty-five percent of the funds will go to the Montezuma Food Pantry. The rest of the money travels worldwide to help those who don’t have enough to eat or clean water.

CROP WALK CHAIRPERSON Becky Sinkler, at left, and Deb Ver Meer are taking “One Step At A Time” toward ending hunger in Montezuma and the world, on Sunday, Oct. 2. (Roger Allen photo).

The money can also purchase animals to help the people sustain a healthy life. Or it goes to seeds and tools for people to grow their own food.

The walk was held at Diamond Lake Park, with the Foster Center being the registration center and starting point for the 15 walkers/rockers. Fifteen family units have donated to date.

This is the fifth year the Outreach and Missions Committee has been in charge of the Crop Walk. CROP stands for Christian Rural Overseas Program.

Anyone still wishing to donate is asked to contact Becky Sinkler, Crop Walk chairperson, or Nancy Allen, treasurer.