The Montezuma Braves boys cross country team placed third in the South Iowa Cedar League meet last season.
The Braves have all seven runners back from that squad and they’ve added a senior.
“They have taken a really great summer of work and turned it into a strong pre-season,” said Coach Kevin Gartman, who was preparing the squad for a Tuesday, Auct. 30 opening meet at the Williamsburg Invitational.
After adding senior Gavin Strong to the team, “the boys have high expectations for themselves as they look to compete in each meet,” Gartman said.
The coach said that during pre-season, “depending on health status, five different boys have been our lead runner in practices or time trials. While that ambiguity may not be great in other sports, it shows a depth that we’ve been looking forward to in cross country for a few years,” Gartman said.
Other area teams return quite a few experienced runners as well.
“Our hope and goal is to continue to bring that top pack along together, allowing individuals to run stronger with team support,” Gartman said.

The coach said senior leadership from Strong and Colton Benson, “has been notable, as the effort given in practie almost always includes doing an extra repetition, as opposed to being done early,” said Gartman.
“Juniors Jack Erselius, Carter McKee and Jayden Ross have shown consistency in their times in practice, which leads to increased confidence in their own abilities,” Gartman said.
“The sophomore boys have taken a big jump from their freshman year,” the coach said. “Bryson Stockman is running at his peak and Jusiah Wetering and Kohen Holland are minutes ahead of their pre-season times from last year.”
“With all of these positives,” Gartman said, “optimism is high for the Braves as we look to be competitive in the top third of the conference once again.”
Boys cross country
Seniors – Colton Benson and Gavin Strong.
Juniors – Jack Erselius, Carter McKee and Jayden Ross.
Sophomores – Kohen Holland, Bryson Stockman and Jusiah Wetering.
Up First – Tuesday, Aug. 30, at Williamsburg Invitational, 4:30 p.m.
After that – Thursday, Sept. 1, at Pekin Invitational, 4:30 p.m.