Different – but worship just the same!

Church officials called the turnout great and the day a success when Community Hope Church conducted an outdoor Easter Sunday service on April 12.

The 10 a.m. service was done in the north parking lot at Montezuma Community Schools.

The event allowed congregation members to stay in their cars and maintain social distancing amid the COVID-19 crisis.

Paige Wilson welcomes churchgoers to the service.

Celebrants were atop a mechanized lift, so that the people in cars could see them.

Members reported on social media they were glad to see each other again in person – even if it was on a limited basis and from a distance!

Caymen DeJong posts signs prior to the service.
An usher directs traffic at the outdoor Easter Sunday service.

Brittany and Drew Rempp and kids showed up ready for Easter Sunday services!
Happy to be at the church service – or anywhere outside, for that matter!
He is risen! And we’re referring to Jesus, not Pastor Brad Singleton, who used this lift to help preach the Easter story.
Joe Barrow and Jo Poe-Barrow attended the service.