Dollars for Scholars honors 21

A total of 21 graduating seniors were honored with scholarships from the Montezuma Dollars for Scholars board on Thursday, June 19.

Peggy Watts presented the awards on behalf of the Montezuma DFS board.

The Montezuma Dollars for Scholars organization is supported by people from all walks of life in the community who believe in the seniors and their futures.

An always-growing endowment fund was created years ago, and the interest if earns is divided by MHS seniors who apply for a Dollars for Scholars award.

The scholarships are the board’s way of saying, ‘have a dream and go for it!’

Two scholarships, the pair of Poweshiek Leadership Awards, are awarded jointly by Dollars for Scholars and Poweshiek County Extension.

Students received a certificate. In January, they will need to turn in a transcript to Watts at Peoples Savings Bank, P.O. Box 160, in order to monetize their scholarships. The money will be mailed to the student’s account at their school.

This year’s awards are expected to be $300 each.

Dollars for Scholars Awards 2020

Dollars for Scholars Award – Caden Campbell
Glen & Irene Ross Memorial – Brody Chidester
Mildred Corey Award – Shelby Conger
Poweshiek Leadership Award – Caymen DeJong
Montezuma Community Award – Madelyn DeJong
Dorothy Sharer Award – Chiane Hartman
Keith Watts Award – Mikayla Henry
Jeff Spain Memorial – Preston Hirsch
Bill Arendt Memorial – Ben Jorgensen
Larry Schroedter Award – Bailey Kasal
Gordon Braley Memorial – Chloe Latcham
Jim and Jan Hansen Scholarship – Madelyn McKeag
Harriett McKee Award – Makaela Meyer
Haworth Family Award – Waverly Roorda
Dollars for Scholars Award – Mariah Seaton
Bob Fulton Memorial – Isaiah Singleton
Dollars for Scholar Award – Blake Stone
Poweshiek Board of Realtors Award – Zachary Templeton
Richard Arendt Memorial (new this year) – Hunter Van Dee
Poweshiek Leadership Award – Carissa Van Zee
Gayle Creswell Memorial – Shateah Wetering