Don’t panic and think of kids: Mayor

Montezuma Mayor Jacki Bolen.

By Keith Brake

There is no need to panic,” said Montezuma Mayor Jacki Bolen, as she released a video on the city’s website about how the Coronavirus pandemic is being handled locally.

We are working with our department heads and the school superintendent,” Bolen said. “We are trying to keep up to date monitoring rapidly-changing developments.”

We need to take care of ourselves,” Bolen said. “That helps to minimize risks.”

We put ourselves at lower risk by shopping locally,” she said. “and it really helps our Montezuma business owners.”

And don’t forget our kids,” Bolen said. “They will remember how home felt during this time, not specifics about the Coronavirus.”

Kids are watching us and learning how to react to stress, based on what they see,” she said.

Bolen suggested national and state websites to be watched for those wanting more detailed information:
