FFA Advisor salutes state champs . . . and more!

By Rick Swenson
FFA Chapter Advisor

Congratulations to the 2020 state champion Montezuma FFA Business Management Team!!!

Michael DeJong was individual champion, Brayden Stockman was reserve champion, Elise Boulton placed third and Alyssa Cline was fourth.

As a group, I am not sure I can put into words how proud I am of your accomplishment.

You started preparing 13 months ago expecting to compete in April. Well, April was moved to June, June eventually was moved to August or September and then finally – November 17th became a reality.

You endured through all of the Zoom sessions – the non-stop summer workouts – the early morning before school practices – and kept pounding away even though there was not a guarantee this event would ever become a reality.

Resiliency, dedication and determination became your best friends. In the end, what a statement you made. You posted the second-highest score ever earned in this event and you won by 132 points.

Congratulations – and I am way proud of you!!!

For the Montezuma FFA, this was a milestone achievement as the team brought home its 25th championship in this event.

Quite an achievement when you consider this was the 45th time this contest has been held. Quite a legacy built by over 100 different Montezuma students spanning three decades.

From an advisor’s point of view, that speaks awfully well of the Montezuma community, school district, parents and our support system to allow and foster a legacy like this to begin, endure and sustain itself. Congratulations to all!!!