FFA team places 3rd at nationals!

INDIANAPOLIS – Third in the nation!

Montezuma FFA’s farm and agribusiness management team placed third in competition at the 92nd annual FFA National Convention.

The contest was held Thursday and Friday, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. Results were announced at an honors banquet on Friday evening.

Members of the team are Maddy McKeag, Carissa Van Zee, Mikayla Henry and Madelyn DeJong.

The team also was recognized as a Gold Emblem Team, and all four individual were honored as Gold Emblem Individuals.

This category of competition is designed to teach management skills and critical and analytical thinking.

Contestants demonstrate their abilities to analyze agricultural business management information, apply economic principles and concepts, evaluate management decisions and work together as a team.

The team reaches a final written or oral report. Each team member also completes an individual written activity.

The four team members’ scores plus the team activity score count toward a total team score.

Montezuma’s FFA convention entourage enjoys dining out in Indianapolis.

Individual results of the Montezuma team members were not available as of this posting.

The intention of this contest is for students to gain wider appreciation of farm and agribusiness practices. These range from basic business structure to succession planning and from cost concepts to risk management.

Thursday was a particularly busy day for McKeag, who squeezed in competing in the FFA contest, with travel back to Iowa to compete in a volleyball regional tournament with the Bravettes in Traer.

Maddy McKeag’s busy week included two regional tournament volleyball matches back in Iowa and FFA competition in Indianapolis.