Former, current Lions Club members feted

This is the #12 and final installment in a series of Montezuma Lions Club history features celebrating its 75th Anniversary 1947 – 2022

Text and photos by Roger Allen

MONTEZUMA LIONS CLUB reached its 50th Anniversary in the Spring of 1997 and these 39 of its 67 members attended a special club meeting and posed for this group photo. Pictured are, from left, FRONT ROW: Roger Allen, Loel Ferguson, Maynard Hutchinson, Marvin Bunnell, Frank Bryan, Roger Watson. SECOND ROW: Jerome Sheets, Cornie Sterk, Eugene Mann, Glenn Hulsebus, Jack Lang, Bill Cox.
THIRD ROW: Robert Albin, Frank Wheeler, Ron Sheetz, Larry Huff, Charles Boeding, Robert Hamilton, Kevin Crall. FOURTH ROW: Keith Surber, Keith Cheney, Bill Rempp, Elvin Bensink, Gary Thompson,
Larry Iverson, Larry Homes. FIFTH ROW: Pete Ross, Duane Phelps, Steve Benson, Ivan Klein, Carroll Smith, Boyd Sparks, Loren Roorda. SIXTH ROW: Keith Brake, Dick Gregory, Brian Watts, Bill Douglass,
Roger Sampson, Clarence Huston. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Gordon Alexander, Richard Arendt, R.J.H. Badger, Bill Bolen, Brian Carter,
John Darlington, Dennis Dorsheimer, William Henkle, Roger Iverson, Charles Johnston, Floyd Little, Lewis Lundy, Michael Mahaffey, Jerry McAninch, Eugene Merck, Gary Morse, Todd Price, Michael Princer, Roger Schroeder, Jim Smothers, Bob Sutfin, David Sutherland, Robert Thomason, Donald Treanor, Doug Ver Meer, Craig Watts, Larry Weeks, Bevan Wilcox.
THESE CHARTER MEMBERS of the Montezuma Lions Club received recognition for their 20 years of service at the 20th Anniversary Charter Night celebration April 10, 1967. They are, from left, in front:
Carmon Johnson, Harold Lofgreen, Melvin Arendt, Fred Cochran and Marion Palmer. Standiing are: Keith Steffy, Dr. Roy Trimble, Maynard Hutchinson, Stanley Hutchinson, I. A. Gabriel, R.J.H. Badger, E.W.
McNeil, Marvin Bunnell and Kenneth Cox. The banquet was held at Memorial Hall where 134 persons were served by the Legion Auxiliary. Club President Bill Bolen gave the call to order and welcome. R.J.H.
Badger, a former District Governor, was master of ceremonies.
AT THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY dinner and program, held at the Ramada Inn near I-80 in Newton in April 1972, these charter members were present. From left, front row: R.J.H. “Doc” Badger, E.W. McNeil,
Melvin Arendt, Dr. Roy Trimble, Fred Cochran, Maynard Hutchinson. In back: Keith Steffy, Marvin Bunnell, Harold Lofgreen, Kenneth Cox, Marion Palmer, Carmon Johnson and I.A. Gabriel. Jim Crawford,
former radio personality then a staff member with the Iowa Commission for the Blind, was guest speaker.
FOR ITS 30th ANNIVERSARY in March 1977, the club combined a trip to Iowa City for dedication of the Iowa Lions’ new Cornea Center with a banquet on the way home at the Colony Haus on I-80. Charter
members pictured are, from left, in front: Keith Steffy, R.J.H. Badger, Dr. Roy Trimble and Melvin Arendt. In back are I.A. Gabriel, Marion Palmer, Fred Cochran, Marvin Bunnell and Maynard Hutchinson.










AT THE CLUB’S 40TH Anniversary dinner, Master of Ceremonies Mike Mahaffey did some teasing of R.J.H. (Robert John Helwig) “Doc” Badger, at far right, about his donkey-riding skills. “Doc” was “Mr. Lion” as the club’s revered senior advisor and at the time the only member to have served as a district governor. Seated on one side of the head table with PDG Badger are, from left, Patti Mahaffey and George and Terri Salnave. The anniversary dinner was held at the Methodist church in April 1987.