The 1967 Lions

THESE CHARTER MEMBERS of the Montezuma Lions Club received recognition for their 20 years of service at the 20th Anniversary Charter Night celebration April 10, 1967. They are, from left, in front:
Carmon Johnson, Harold Lofgreen, Melvin Arendt, Fred Cochran and Marion Palmer. Standiing are: Keith Steffy, Dr. Roy Trimble, Maynard Hutchinson, Stanley Hutchinson, I. A. Gabriel, R.J.H. Badger, E.W.
McNeil, Marvin Bunnell and Kenneth Cox. The banquet was held at Memorial Hall where 134 persons were served by the Legion Auxiliary. Club President Bill Bolen gave the call to order and welcome. R.J.H.
Badger, a former District Governor, was master of ceremonies.