Four speech groups get 3 ratings of ‘1’

CEDAR RAPIDS – Four Montezuma High School groups received three ratings of “1” each at the State Large Group competition on Satruday, Feb. 8.

The contest was held at Washington High School in Cedar Rapids.

The groups were to find out Monday afternoon, Feb. 10, if any of them have been nominated to perform or appear at the All State competition later this month in Ames.

Here are Saturday’s ratings for Montezuma:

The Family Tree, Choral Reading  1, 1, 1

Singleton, DeJong, Group Improv 1, 1, 1

Roorda, Gunderson, Facile, Ferneau, Group Improv 1, 1, 1

Just Like Old Times, Readers Theatre 1, 1, 1

When I Grown Up, Freshmen Choral Reading 1, 2, 2

Mouse in the House, Solo Mime 2, 2, 2

Supercalifragilistic…. Musical Theatre 1, 2, 2

Wake Up Call, Short Film 1, 2, 2