Getting ready to ‘Return to Learn’

We can't wait to 'Return to Learn' at Montezuma. (File).

By Nathan Wood
Superintendent of Schools

We are getting ready to “Return to Learn” for the 2020-2021 school year at Montezuma!

District leadership is evaluating the necessary measures to safely welcome students and staff back into our buildings in August.

We will develop details that will have us prepared for multiple scenarios for the start of the school year.

We will be ready to help our students succeed academically, while ensuring their health and safety, which is the top priority.

Work on the plan has been divided into seven targeted areas: Leadership, infrastructure, health and safety, academic standards, social emotional and behavioral health, equity, and data.

We will create comprehensive plans based on three potential learning models for the fall: Continuous Learning (online remote/at-home instruction), on-site delivery, or a hybrid approach using both of the previous models.

We will be sending a survey to the staff and to families of our students.

Data we receive from these surveys will assist our planning.

Please remember that this survey truly is to get your current perspectives, and ensure that we are seeking any and all potential concerns and questions you may have.

Thank you in advance for participating in this survey!

Nathan Wood, Montezuma schools superintendent

Later in July, we will be releasing a deeper overview of our Return to Learn options. This information will give parents and community members a glimpse of what school could look like this fall.

As you know, this situation is ever-changing.

The upcoming school year will be one that will require each of us to be flexible, maintain trust, communicate effectively, and learn from one another to ensure that we do what is best for our school, and ultimately our students.

I want restate that the health and safety of our students and staff will remain a priority as we continue the Return-to-Learn planning process.

When joining this team at Montezuma it was clear to me that there was a strong climate of school pride, with great community support.

My number one goal in this process is to ensure that all families know that we plan to be thorough, and take necessary precautions to ensure that all staff, students, and their families feel comfortable with school this fall.

I want each of you to know that I sincerely appreciate your patience, and most of all your trust as we determine the necessary measures to safely reopen our school for our community’s youth.

Together, we can make this happen.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to me:

Nathan Wood
Superintendent of Schools
Montezuma Community School District
Phone: 641.623.5121