Girls, boys throw down summer hoops

Trey Shearer was the most valuable player in the Pella league this summer. (File).

A number of Montezuma High School basketball players worked on their games earlier this summer as part of a seven-week league in Pella.

Several players did quite well.

Trey Shearer was named most valuable player in the boys league.

On the girls side, Elise Boulton, Dylan Holland and Mia Boulton were named to the all-league team. Elise was the leading scorer in the league at 20.2 points per game.

Montezuma boys who participated were Masin Shearer, Dakota Strong and Trey Shearer.

MHS girls were were involved were Kierstyn Price, Mia Boulton, Alivia Cline, Elise Boulton, Alyssa Cline, Dylan Holland, Korrinn Kehoe, Ashlee Eilander, Jadyn Sharer and Abby Cheney.

Story source: The Record

Elise Boulton led her Pella league in scoring at 20.2 points a game. (File).