Girls golfers bow out of regional play

By Liesl Roorda
Co-Head Coach

The Montezuma girls competed in the first round of regionals Monday, May 17, where they finished 4th.  

Even though that was not good enough to move on, we are proud of how they all played.

(Roorda was also speaking for co-head Coach Randy Masterson when she said, “we.” – editor)

They all came in as new to the game and had to learn not only how to swing, grip and stand but also all the rules and be able to apply them in competition.

We have seen great improvement throughout the season and they all worked very hard and dedicated themselves to getting better.

Senior Lauren Klos will be greatly missed. Lauren has the greatest and most positive attitude we’ve ever seen and she was a joy to be around. We all wish you the best of luck with your life after high school!

We will return next season more experienced and eager to be better and are already looking forward to it.

The MHS Bravettes golf team. (Elizabeth Van Gorp photo)