Grand Marshal saluted for 36 years of service

Editor’s note: Dr. George Salnave, pastor of First Presbyterian Evangelical Chuch. Will be this year’s grand marshal of the Let Freedom Ring parade on July 2, and Terry, his wife, will ride with him. Back when a 36-year-old George first game to Montezuma (36 years ago . . .), Roger Allen took this photo of the young family, and wrote this story under it.

By Roger Allen

THE NEW MINISTER at the Montezuma First Presbyterian Church is the Rev. George Salnave, pictured with his wife Terry and their daughter, Kyla Jane, who was born May 26.

The Salnaves arrived here last week and Pastor George has begun his duties here. He will deliver the sermon at the community church service Sunday morning on the courthouse lawn.

The family is living in the Presbyterian Manse in east Montezuma.

George and Terry are natives of Flint, Mich., where they both graduated from the University of Michigan, Flint, in 1972. They were married that year. Terry received her degree in elementary education and George obtained his BA there.

He obtained his Master of Divinity degree at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. in 1975, and he is presently working on his dissertation to complete a doctorate program at Fuller, in Marriage and Family Ministries.

For the past 11 years Salnave has been associate pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Rosa, in northern California.

Pastor George is 36 years old.

He said he has special professional interests in counseling and in youth work, with free-time interests in auto mechanics and physical activities such as jogging, racquetball and handball. The Rev. Salnave said, “We hope to have a friendly, warm church, and we invite everyone to come get acquainted.”