Gridders prepare for golf classic

The calendar is just turning to summer, so in Montezuma it’s time to start thinking about the Dennis Simpson Classic.

The ninth annual Simpson Classic takes place on Saturday, June 26, at Montezuma Country Club. It gets its name from the late Dennis Simpson, one of the most avid of all Braves fans.

It’s a fund-raiser for the football program, and the Braves will be hosting the event, which is sponsored by area businesses.

It’s played in the popular four-person best shot format – and you can take part!

Cost is $160 per team or $40 per player.

‘Coast’ on in to the Dennis Simpson Golf Classic.

Head football Coach John Beck says they’re planning to do a silent auction along with the golfing event.

Registration will start at 8 a.m. on June 26, with a shotgun start at 9.

Proceeds will help buy extras for the football program.

You can pre-register at:

Or, you can call or text John Beck at (641) 990-6802.