Getting schedules . . .on schedule!

Love getting involved in those activities!

By Tim Hoffman
Middle/High School Principal

The biggest change moving into my second year was our 6-12 master schedule. Until our students physically came back to our building we had only researched and mapped it out on paper, but still did not know for sure how it would work.

As our students have come back a few things came up, but we are actively working on things to make it the best it can be in our K-12 setting.

Overall, we are very happy with how things are working and will continue to work to make it better. We believe it will give students more opportunities as they progress through our 6-12 setting.

The start of the school year is always fun due to our kids being back in the building. Yes, we know many of them from last year, but as they move up grades and grow up along the way students change.

I was very happy with our start to the year and how our students have done adjusting to some of our changes.

Lastly, it is so great to see how many of our Montezuma students are involved in our activities here at school. We have very few students not involved in one or more. Some of our students are involved in many things, so it is great to see our staff work together to make this happen.

As always, I truly appreciate your support.

(Editor’s note: Letters from the administrators also appear on the school’s website.)