Honored coach, players strive to be their best

Janel Burgess holds forth on the Montezuma bench during tournament action. (Marie Boulton photo).

By Keith Brake
Montezuma Magazine Editor

I told you in the North Linn vs. Montezuma girls game story that Bravettes Coach Janel Burgess had more to say about her girls and that I would soon share it.

Well, here it is. A source let me know that Janel was voted by her peers as district coach of the year by coaches in the Iowa Girls Coaching Association.

Well, here’s what she said about the Bravettes when I contacted her about the North Linn game. I think it says a lot about why fellow coaches hold Janel in high regard:

I am extremely proud of our entire program this season,” she said.

We worked hard daily to make our community proud, and to grow as a team. This group of young ladies were a joy to coach each day and I know we all wish we had practice for three more days,” Burgess continued.

I will forever be grateful to our seniors for giving our young ladies great leaders to follow. We had seniors who are a true example of what a Bravette is,” she added.

I am eager to watch our players perform in all of their other sports,” said the district coach of the year. “We all continue to strive to be our best in ALL that we do.”