Hot? NOT!! AC keeps first school day cool

A young kindergartner is excited for the new year

Photo feature by Marie Boulton

Wednesday, Aug. 23, was the first day of school in Montezuma – with the heat index soaring to over 110 degrees!

The school is air conditioned now, so no problem, right?

Teacher Marie Boulton (who is our photographer) wanted to do this photo feature about the first day, which was to include kids getting off the bus.

“But it was so humid I couldn’t take pictures of kids getting off the buses and coming in. The lens would fog over!” she said.  Marie got other shots, though, and here they are:

2nd grade teacher Liesl Roorda greets her class 



Many elementary staff members wore shirts that said: Be Brave, Be Kind, Be Happy, Be YOU.



Para Educator Mackenzie Moore with 5th graders Hunter Meinecke and Lincoln McGrane are greeted by Hazel, our certified school therapy dog, owned by counselor Deana Horras.





5th Grade teacher Mandy Robison and student Eli Ahrens share a high five and smile  to start the day.