Improving schools for kids & community

By Rich Schulte
Montezuma Schools Superintendent

As we prepare for the Nov. 7 school referendum, let’s think about how the decision we make will shape not only the future of our educational system, but also the future of the community.

This referendum represents an important step in strengthening our school and community by addressing three critical aspects: Health and safety-related infrastructure improvements, future-ready learning, and the continued support of our athletics and activities programs.

Supt. Rich Schulte

First and foremost, the proposed facility improvements will not only provide our students with healthier, safer, and more modern spaces and create an environment more conducive to learning.

The importance of well-maintained and up-to-date classrooms and support facilities like restrooms and playgrounds cannot be overrated, because they foster an atmosphere where students can thrive academically and socially.

A comfortable and functional learning space is a fundamental element in our students’ educational experience.

Updating and modernizing our classrooms help students explore their interests and develop important skills like critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. They also prepare them for an ever-changing world.

Regardless of what our students do after graduation, they need the best education we can offer, and this referendum helps us do just that.

Commons and lunch room.

However, it’s also important to remember that a comprehensive educational approach extends beyond the classroom.

Our athletics and activities programs are integral in providing students with life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and confidence, all of which correlate strongly with academic success.

These programs keep students engaged in school, teach them the value of hard work, and provide opportunities for physical and emotional growth.

Athletics and activities also provide an opportunity to practice those skills being taught in our classrooms — critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity.

By investing in athletics and activities, we are investing in well-rounded individuals who will excel not only in school but in life.

More than just a wise investment in our schools, this referendum represents an investment in our community. Our school is the heart of Montezuma, and its success is intertwined with the success of our community.

A thriving school system increases property values, attracts families, and helps local businesses flourish.

We have tremendous pride in Montezuma schools but in an ever more competitive environment for schools, what will influence families to choose to attend school in Montezuma vs. another nearby school district?

From our classrooms to our athletics and activities, all aspects of our school matter when making that choice. A well-supported school system benefits all of us, whether we have children attending our school.

In the time left leading up to the referendum, let us keep in mind the far-reaching impact of our decision. Some of us will differ on minor details and specifics, but these projects represent the future for our children, a more vibrant community, and the continued development of well-rounded individuals.

A comprehensive educational experience that nurtures academic achievement and the personal growth of our students ensures the success of our community for generations to come.

For more information about the bond referendum, including project scope, concept plans and frequently asked questions, please visit the referendum web site at:

Site improvement scapes.