It’s Prom Week in Montezuma!

Circle Saturday, July 25th on your calendar.

That will be prom night in Montezuma!

But . . .not at the school.

It’s a parent-sponsored event, taking place at several venues in the community. Here are the details that we have, and note that some locations have changed since we ran this story last week:

PICTURES – 4:45 – 5:30 p.m. – at Community Hope Church. The building will open at 4 p.m.

ALL students AND adults will have their temperatures taken at the door. In addition, students MUST have a COVID waiver signed in order to attend.

An electronic Google form will be e-mailed out during the coming week, along with an order form for pictures.

PROMENADE/KING & QUEEN CORONATION – 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Community Hope Church.

The public is invited to attend – or, you can watch from home on Facebook Live.

Juniors, be watching your e-mail this coming week for a Google form that will allow you to vote for the prom king/queen.

MEAL – 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Community Hope Church.

The meal will be provided free of charge for all students! During the meal, class photos will be taken.

DANCE – Immediately after the meal, until 10:30 p.m., at Montezuma Memorial Hall. Doors will lock at 8 p.m.

HYPNOTIST – 10:45 -11:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall.

Students who have chosen to be hypnotized will be contacted ahead of time to bring a change of clothes. ALL students are encouraged to bring a change of clothes may be changed into something more comfortable before the hypnotist begins. Students will NOT be allowed to leave Memorial Hall to go somewhere else to change.

AFTER PROM – 12 a.m. to 2 a.m. at Community Hope Church.