Montezuma fans will be introduced to the fall sports teams on Thursday evening, Aug. 12, at the annual Gatorade Sports Kickoff in the north gym.
Starting time is 6 p.m. Admission is Gatorade sports drinks, or a free will donation.
Here is the schedule:
6:00 – Welcome, by new principal Kelly O’Rourke.
6:05 – Agenda, by activities director Tim Burgess.
6:08 – Blue and White Boosters, by president Buddy Boulton.
6:10 – Montezuma athletics and handbook, by Mr. Burgess.
6:15 – Fall cheer squad intorduction, by Debbie Iverson. The cheer squad will perform.
6:20 – Coach Kevin Gartman will introduce the cross country team.
6:30 – Coach Macy Richards will introduce the dance team, which will perform.
6:35 – Coach John Beck will introduce the football team.
6:45 – Conclusion, with Mr. Burgess.
6:50 – Parent meetings with coaches in designated rooms:
Cheerleading meets in Megan Carlson’s room (#150).
Cross country meets in Mr. Gartman’s room (#149).
Volleyball meets in central gym.
Football stays in the north gym.
The Montezuma Blue and White Athletic Booster Club will have a table set up in the gym foyer. You can learn more about the Boosters, and join.