JH girls battle strong teams

By Coach Megan Carlson

The girls traveled to Marengo to play a very tough and experienced Iowa Valley squad on Monday, Sept. 28.

The Bravettes were missing several girls due to XC and cheerleading, so the line-ups looked a little bit different.

The 7th grade team fought hard throughout all three matches and showed a lot of improvement. It was great to see different girls jump in to fill different roles. Several girls were serving with more consistency and power.

These little steps will help them in the future.

The 8th grade squad struggled to get into a rhythm and allowed Iowa Valley to set the pace. This group has so much potential, but struggles with setting the tone for games. They continue to grow, and I know that they will continue to work hard to improve. This is the final week and I know the girls are going to work to finish strong!

7th Grade: 20-25, 25-20, 20-25

8th Grade: 16-25, 14-25, 25-19