JH netters finish strong vs. BGM

By Coach Megan Carlson
The last game of the season, played Thursday, Oct. 1 this year, is always an emotional experience.

Since we had faced BGM earlier in the season we knew what to expect, but also understood that they would be improved just like us.

The 7th grade team started strong and continued with solid serving!

It is crazy to think how far they have come since the start of the season. The first year of junior high volleyball allows for so much growth and the girls did not disappoint. A few girls did multiple activities during the season, but they always brought amazing energy and they all were truly a joy to coach. I expect them to grow even more in the off-season, as long as they continue to put in the work.

The 8th grade team started strong in the first, but struggled with a few of BGM’s stronger servers. It was a close comeback, but a great lesson for the girls on how important it is to set the pace and not rely on your opponents.

This team has changed so much in two years and I have been blessed with the opportunity to coach them. Not only have they grown as volleyball players, they have grown as young women. They are kind, hard-working, and just a lot of fun to be around.

I wish they would have more of a fierce side to them and hopefully that edge will develop with time. I am so excited to watch them move on to the next level, but I will miss them tremendously!

Whether it is the tic-toc dances, always giggling, cut-off sweatpants, or the way they support each other, they are a great group of girls. I hope all of the girls continue to work hard in a variety of activities and enjoy this year.

When the school year started we didn’t know if we would even have a chance to have a season and now I have been blessed with a full season with some of the best girls around.

Thank you to the parents, community, and players for all of the support. Keep working hard and enjoy the year! Go BRAVETTES!

7th Grade: 25-17, 25-4, 13-25

8th Grade: 25-15, 22-25, 25-14