Junior high boys developed all season

Montezuma’s junior high boys basketball teams have completed their seasons.

Coach John Beck submitted this summary:

A Team Scoring:
The A Team averaged 31.64 points a game and gave up 35.36 points a game. 

We averaged 8.73 2pt field goals a game and 3.55 3pt field goals a game. 

As a team we were 44-98 from the free throw line for a 41.84% average. 

Individual Scoring:
Garrett Watts: 98 pts /8.91 ppg
Tod Geiger: 59 pts /5.36 ppg
Houston Van Roekel: 58pts/5.27ppg
Max Anderson: 49 pts/4.45ppg
Jack Erselius: 28pts/2.55ppg
Cruz DeJong: 19pts/1.73ppg
Kohen Holland 13pts/1.18ppg
Carter Michalek: 8pts/0.73ppg
Peyton Minner: 8pts/0.73ppg
Landen Tyree: 6pts/0.55ppg
Spencer Ross: 2pts/0.18ppg

Garrett Watts hit a team-high 44 field goals. He was followed by 21 by both Houston Van Roekel and Tod Gieger.

Houston hit a team high 12 3-point field goals. He was followed by Jack Erselius with 8 and Max Anderson with 7.

The Final Record of the A team was 5-6.

B Team Scoring:
The B Team averaged 22.88 points a game and gave up 22.75 points a game. 

We averaged 7.2 2-point field goals a game and 1.8 3-point field goals a game.

As a team we were 24-67 from the free throw line for a 35.82% average.

Individual Scoring:
Carter Michalek: 68pts/6.8ppg
David Rose: 45pts/4.5ppg
Spencer Ross: 39pts/3.90ppg
Kohen Holland: 34pts/3.4ppg
Jayden Ross: 12pts/1.2ppg
Landen Morrison: 10pts/1ppg
Peyton Minner: 8pts/0.8ppg
Bryson Stockman: 5pts/0.5ppg

Carter Michalek made a team-high 24 field goals. He was followed by Spencer Ross with 19 and David Rose with 18.

Carter hit a team-high 9 3-point field goals. He was followed by Kohen Holland with 4 and David Rose with 3.

The final record for the B team was 5-4. 

We had 8 eighth graders who did a great job this year (below are their names). They were all team players and contributed in a variety of ways. I wish them luck next year as they transition to the next level.

Landon Tyree
Garrett Watts
Jack Erselius
Sammy Boughner
Landen Morrison
Cruz DeJong
Tod Geiger
Jayden Ross

We had 10 seventh graders who all did a fantastic job (below are their names). They always competed and did a great job contributing. I look forward to see how much they grow and develop their skills over the summer. I am very excited to see what they can do next year!

Bryson Stockman
Maddox Anderson
Houston VanRokel
Peyton Minner
Jusiah Wetering
David Rose
Carter Mickalek
Spencer Ross
Kohen Holland
Briar Simpson