Junior high girls beat North Mahaska

Junior high A-team after finishing 11-1 at North Mahaska: Coach Doug Helm, Letishia Wilson, Leah Urfer, Vivian Cook, Rylee Wolford, A.J. Kercheval and Sydnee Burgess; and Assistant Coach Shelby Teumer.

NEW SHARON – Montezuma’s junior high girls basketball teams closed their seasons with a sweep of North Mahaska on Tuesday, Jan. 24.

The A-team had to work hard, but came away with a 28-21 win.

They finished their season with an 11-1 record.

The 7th grade girls were 30-13 winners in three quarters of a game.

Unofficially, they finished at 9-2.

Doug Helm and his daughter, Shelby Teumer, coached the junior high girls.