Junior high XC kids fare well at state

Junior high XC girls at the state meet.

Montezuma was well-represented at the junior high state cross country meet on Saturday, Oct. 15.

The girls placed 13th as a team.

There is lots to be proud of with this team,” said Coach Kevin Gartman.

Lauryn Larmore medaled by placing 6th (13:45 2-mile) among 7th graders, with Alexa Rose and Sophia Semprini medaling in 33rd and 43rd place.

Vivian Cook “ran very well and just missed medaling in an 8th grade-heavy class,” the coach said.

Lauryn, Vivian, Alexa, and Sophia each finished with STRONG kicks at the end. Very proud!” Gartman said.

Junior high boys XC runners at state.


Linkyn Bru and Dayton Reif both run their strongest races of the season at state, with Linkyn cutting time from last year’s meet.

Both boys finished several spots higher due to kicks that passed multiple runners in the last 100 meters. Great job, boys!” said the coach.