You’ve already seen these people once – Friday night at the football game – and on this website after they were photographed at the game.
But here they are on Saturday, after they were enshrined into the Montezuma Hall of Fame.
Roger Allen shot these photos, too.

TRACK TEAM 1987: Coach Jerry Rohach, Darrell Willrich, Al Esqueda, Gary Henry, Marty James, Lance Elliott, Tim Hansen, Jared Latcham, Brad Arendt, Wade Eichhorn.

THE 2022 CLASS OF HALL OF FAME taken on Saturday in the North Gym: Front row, left to right: Marty James, Ruth Fleming, Reece McCaslen & Cathe Wilson, representing the late Dennis Wilson; Brad Arendt, and Katie Maschmann Thomason. Back row: Coach Jerry Rohach, Darrell Willrich, Al Esqueda, Gary Henry, Tim Hansen, Lance Elliott, Wade Eichhorn and Jared Latcham.