Latest Monte COVID rules for sports

Montezuma Community Schools

IGHSAU/IHSAA Information – December 16 Governor’s Proclamation

Governor Reynolds’ Public Health Proclamation on December 16, 2020, included the following measures for junior high and high school sports, effective Thursday, Dec. 17 at 12:01 a.m. through at 11:59 p.m. on January 8, 2021.

  • Montezuma Activities will resume as scheduled. Activities at all levels must follow the spectator limits, must social distance between family units/spectators, and wear a mask at all times.

  • Two spectators are permitted for each athlete, performer, competitor or staff member participating in the event…UNLESS all ticket holders are from the same household. In that case, all of that participant’s household may attend.

  • If a family has two participants, they get two sets of tickets and are not limited to one household. The two other tickets could be used by grandparents for example. **If a participant has joint custody, both families are considered part of one household. 

    • Coaches are allowed two tickets or one household.
    • Cheerleaders, pep band, dance team are allowed two tickets or one household.
    • Student managers and videographers are not allowed tickets.
    • Timers, scorekeepers, ticket takers are not allowed tickets.
  • Spectators may only be present during the time that student or the student’s team is participating in a game, meet or competition AND must leave following its conclusion.   

Activities held AT Montezuma will follow these guidelines as written above. 

*** As a visiting school, we are obligated to follow the guidelines in place by the host schools.  If there is a change from the above guidelines, we will share that information as we get it.  For example, a school district might maintain a strict 2-spectator per performer rule. 

If you have any questions, please email 

 Activities Director Tim Burgess at:


Thank you for your patience and cooperation! 

Please refer to Page 2 for a short Q/A provided by the State of Iowa for your convenience.

IGHSAU/IHSAA Information – December 16 Governor’s Proclamation

Q.  What is meant by household?

A.  A household includes those people who live/reside under the same roof as the player/participant/performer/coach, etc.

Q.  Would a student who is living in two households due to a divorce or similar situation be allowed to have both households attend?

A.  Yes, the student who is living in two homes would be allowed to have tickets for members of both households.

Q.  Can a district issue additional tickets to provide for grandparents or others who previously were approved as one of the two tickets for a student?

A.  Districts are only allowed to provide tickets to the members of the household that the athlete, performer, etc. reside under the same roof with OR two tickets.  Not both for one athlete.

Q.  Do schools have to account for the individuals in the household and track names for the tickets?

A. Montezuma and other schools will manage the gate passes and ticketing process at all events during the duration of this proclamation. We will work with our families to clarify this proclamation and ensure that you have the opportunity to stay safe while enjoying the activity that your child is participating in.

Q.  Do the tickets for coaches also include members of his/her household?

A.  The two tickets that were previously allowed in all categories-athletes, performers, band members, cheerleaders, dance teams members, coaches, have now been expanded to include all members of the household for that individual. 

Q.  Do members of the households have to wear masks and social distance?

A.  Members of the same household may sit together, but must social distance from other households/spectators.  Masks are still required.  Nothing in the proclamation changed those requirements.

 Q.  Are schools/conferences required to extend the number of spectators to include members of the household?

A.  If schools/conferences wish to continue with the two spectator limit, they may do so as a school/conference.

Q.  Do spectators still need to leave after their child has competed, performed, etc.?

A.  Yes. The latest proclamation does not change that requirement.

Q.  If a family member is away at college and returns for break, is he/she allowed to attend as part of the household?

A.  Yes, as long as the college student has his/her primary residence (permanent address) as the family household.

If you have any questions, please email: